Overtime Laws in Oregon
Overtime compensation is available to most hourly workers in Oregon who work more than 40 hours each week (defined as any seven consecutive work days by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)). Additionally, Oregon does not have a daily overtime limit.
Overtime Minimum Wage in Oregon
Overtime pay in Oregon is one and a half times an employee’s typical hourly rate, known as “time and a half pay.” Since Oregon has a $12.00-per-hour regular minimum wage, the minimum overtime payment of $18.00 per hour is one and a half times that amount. Overtime pay in Oregon is at least 1.5 times the regular hourly salary if a person makes more than the state minimum wage. Those who work in packing plants, logging camps, canneries and other food processing facilities in Oregon are subject to additional overtime rules. Many categories of workers in Oregon are exempted from overtime, including those who work as fishermen, work on commission, or make more than $27.63 an hour.
If nurses choose to work more than 40 hours a week, they are free to do so, but hospitals cannot ask them to work for 12 hours a day or over 40 hours a week. Other types of workers are not subject to any restrictions on the amount of overtime they are compelled to perform.
Exempt Employees
It doesn’t matter how long you have worked for a company; if you work more than 40 hours in a week in Oregon, you are entitled to overtime pay by the law. There is a catch: the legislation does not apply to all workers. The statute distinguishes between “exempt” and “non-exempt” workers based on whether the law covers them or not.
Overtime compensation must be provided to employees who work more than 40 hours a week, even if paid by the hour rather than by salary. One must, however, be a full-time employee and not a sole proprietorship; that is, one must be an employee of the company and not be an independent contractor, for example, working for the employer.
Executive, professional, and employees in management positions in Oregon are not eligible for overtime compensation since they are excluded from the overtime rules. An executive is a person who serves as an official of a company or who has a significant amount of authority. Professionals, such as attorneys, architects, surgeons, and teachers, often need specialized training. Managers are often those who are in charge of other individuals. A working title that includes the term “manager” does not exclude it from the FLSA requirements. To decide which “manager” is exempted, their task is the most crucial part. Additionally, any employee who earns at least $35,568 a year or $684 a week is exempted from overtime rules.
Read more on Oregon wage claims.
Oregon Wage Claims
Our attorneys handle Oregon wage claims. Unpaid, late, sales commission, overtime, leave, and more…
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How to Calculate Overtime Pay in Oregon
Each pay period’s overtime compensation is included in each employee’s total amount. It is computed as follows: Hourly pay rate * first 40 hours + Hourly pay rate x 1.5 x overtime hours worked.
For an employee that worked 52 hours in a workweek, this is an example of total compensation:
A regular pay rate multiplied by 40 hours is the regular salary, plus overtime compensation.
To get overtime compensation, you have to multiply the hourly rate by 1.5 times the number of extra hours worked (which is 12 in this case).
As an example, here’s a more extensive one:
An employee clocks in 52 hours for a week.
It’s usual for the employee to get $15 an hour for their regular time.
So, the 40 hours at $15 an hour are worth $600, plus an extra $270 for the 12 hours of overtime she worked (at $15 x 1.5 x 12 = $270).
So, the weekly salary would total $870, including overtime pay.
Contact an Experienced Lawyer
Call an expert Oregon wage and hour lawyer who will stand by your side and fight for your rights, as well as assist you in achieving reasonable compensation for your lost income if you have been denied extra pay for overtime. In addition, you may be entitled to legal fees and expenses. If you are looking for expert overtime attorneys in Oregon, contact us at Meyer Employment Law for a free consultation.