The Top 4 Oregon Discrimination Cases

The Top 4 Oregon Discrimination Cases

Most workplace disputes are resolved out of court. This also applies to litigation alleging discrimination in the workplace. However, in the event of a jury trial, the value of your compensation from the lawsuit rises. The Covid-19 pandemic had little effect on the...
How can Age Discrimination be proved in Oregon?

How can Age Discrimination be proved in Oregon?

Age discrimination is prohibited under Federal and Oregon laws. An employer may be held liable for age discrimination if they treat their employee differently due to their age and wrongfully terminate them for it. Aging populations and workforces have led to an...
Know your Oregon employment rights during COVID 19

Know your Oregon employment rights during COVID 19

Know your Federal employment rights related to COVID 19 The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) was signed on March 18, 2020, to enhance employment rights in Oregon and the rest of the country amid the COVID-19 outbreak. Certain businesses are required...